Information and pictures of Omega’s newest factory in Biel / Switzerland

Unfortunately we were not allowed to take any pictures inside the new factory yesterday. So I decided to transform the official Omega presentation PDF into pictures for you.

I found no other source giving you such an inside of the new factory than this official Omega document.

If you are interested in what Omega is doing in its newest factory in Biel and what you may discover inside the new Omega facility, here you get the information wanted … 

That’s a pretty comprehensive document! Due to the fact that we could take no own pictures I think this is the best I can provide to you today …

Yo may discover the following content:

CHAPTER 1 – 3 The Doors Are Opened

CHAPTER 2 – 8 The Artistry of Shigeru Ban

CHAPTER 3 -12 Efficient energy

CHAPTER 4 – 16 The Technology Inside

CHAPTER 5 – 22 The new Home of METAS testing

CHAPTER 6 – 26 The History of the Site